
Legit picture of the Florida Gators

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Film Analysis on Clocked Out

Clocked Out
Clocked out is a short film about two agents who are form the future hunting down illegal time travelers. The setting is based in modern day and seems to have been modeled after Men in Black due to the suit he is wearing. The two agents end up hunting and killing three suposed time travelers.

The shots seem to have been shot with a camera on a tripod and also use security video to make this seem more realistic. The film uses good angles on most shots and the background really well to make the character stand out more.

The camera person really does an outstanding job of getting right into the action. It makes you feel like your right into the action and you feel alive.

The actors are the real star of the film, tehy show emotion and when they aren't needed to have emotions they act like federal agents. The supposed time travelers show real emotion and act like they are about to die. They are pleading for their lives, acting nervous, panting hard like they've just been frightened to death. They are professionals and now what they are doing. They just seem like this was a high budget film yet it was a no budget film. This was their biggest strength in the whole film due to the awesomeness off the acting

The costumes are also perfect. The federal agent look in the business suit sold the fact that the actors are actually chasing down the "bad guys" and have intent to kill. The other actors have a modern look wich sets the tone of the modern age.

the sound was probably the worst part of the film. In some instances you can barely hear the actor talking. Also the gun sound was a little off and didn't seem real. It sounded like an explosive paintball. They should have used a real gun and shot it at a target just so they could recored that sound. Just the sound of it sounded cliched. The sound also didn't seem to match up to me. It seemed a little off and but that could just be from my perspective.

There also is a continuity error when the first suspect is popping behind some racks of goods. The actor appears to be on the right side of the rack but then immediately after she pops up on the left talking to the agents. It was really obvious and ruins your line of vision.
below: appears to the right of the rack Above: appears to the left
Overall this film was very good and expanded my expectations on what a no budget film can do. It was well shot and the actors did a spectacular job. All besides that continuity error and th sound it was very well made.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hahahaha I haven't finished yet! :)

  3. The short film was interesting, I am quite a sucker for a good esper/time travel film. However, right off the bat I had noticed a few criticism . FIrst, although you did point out some camera techniques you had focused mainly on the characters and plot itself. Not that it wasn't your fault, since i had done the same and had to revise it, but next time around try to include some cinematography vocabulary (cross shot, 180 degree line, etc.) The screenshots were there however, and they all were well organized and correctly displayed and worked well with your review. So that's a really good point! You did put the effort into understanding the plot, and analyzed it so that you fully comprehended why the short film was so great and amazing to watch!

  4. As Kim said before you focus some what on the plot rather than the more technical aspects of the film itself. You lack more defined analysis of the piece such as angles, lighting, and composition. This, along with some grammatical mistakes, are the only things I see problematic with your analysis. Otherwise, it seems pretty solid. I like how you did comment on some mistakes made in the film, and it really was a critique.

  5. Darn you Conner I fixed your mistakes

  6. The analysis focused on the acting and sound more than the behind the scenes aspects of the film. You didn't mention the camera work or lighting very much, which would have given a deeper understanding of the film.
